Why your New Product Needs a Great Launching Platform
To increase visibility and awareness of your product in the public domain it has to be launched in the right manner and through ideal media resources. In the melee of products that are launched on a regular basis your product can get swamped by either duplicate or superior products in the same category. With the emergence of internet marketing and social media you now have access to several potential methods to announce your product launch to the world. To have a successful product launch there has to be an integrated approach towards promotion using traditional and online marketing tools. Sheer volume of products that are sold through convenience stores on a daily basis makes it difficult for store owners and buyers to retain interest or loyalty for a long time for any product.
Product launches at convenience stores
Before the use of internet media as a marketing tool, products were introduced into the market by traditional method of displaying them in convenience stores and then launching a media campaign to tell people about them. In current scenario manufacturers have to first send the product samples to c stores and then launch massive campaign via online and other media to tell people about it. Whether you are launching food or non-food product, it has to be done cleverly and in an innovative manner to capture the attention of a target customer. During product launch at convenience store you have to be ready to either hand out product samples or literature about the product with details which will excite people into trying them out.
Importance of great launch platform for convenience products
When you have created a great product which you feel will meet demands of a large demographic group or a niche customer base it has to be launched likewise as a general or exclusive product. As a manufacturer you should have a target customer base in mind for who cannot live without your product to ensure steady demand. Convenience store owners today need new and exciting products which are priced just right as to be within the purchase budget of large customer group. If as a manufacturer you are wondering about how to get product into c stores then you can use the expertise of a marketing agency which can plan the launch in a professional manner.
Managing competition – Products launched for sales through convenience stores have to either compete with existing products in the market or new products which are launched immediately after your product. When a launch platform is strong and powerful it will help manage competition from existing products in similar category by making comparative statements which will show new product in superior light to existing ones. A strong product launch will help you capture new markets effectively making it difficult for new competitors to enter the market.
Better memory recall – When a product is launched with strong media blitzkrieg it will remain in the memory of target buyers for a long time. Few of us remember the innumerable commercials on television, radio and print media and only an outstanding innovative idea strikes the right note urging us to try out the product at least once. A product launch that creates a niche-need which other competitors were not able to recognize, manages to stay for a long time in the mind of target customers and they look for it during their visit to convenience stores.
Visibility and connection – A platform provides your product the right stage to stand above others in the market and make it noticeable. With the right amplification and acoustics your product can make itself heard above the din created by competitors in the arena. While traditional media provided a one way platform for products, current media is more interactive and engaging. By providing direct connection between producer and consumer through social media platforms, it helps improve the product and understand people’s needs better.
Branding for success – Whatever media you choose to launch make sure that your product is branded well and your target audience is reached. With the help of social media you can enhance the value of your brand in a sustained manner through your connections and promotional tools offered by these networks. A brand building exercise has to be carried out like a fairy tale so that it ends on a pleasant note for the manufacturer.
Ideal launch platforms for convenience products
Convenience store brokers – Whether your target is to sell products through small or large stores with statewide and national level chain you first have to undertake the responsibility of convincing them that your product has potential to become the next blockbuster. Once a product is packaged and tested for launch into the market you need to find the right distributor who can get your product into the stores for customers. C-store brokers have long term relationship with retail stores irrespective of size and territory and can help introduce the product in a professional manner to their clients convincing them to launch the product at their stores. You can find these brokers at www.cstoredistributors.com.
Checkstand Program – This is a professional network of distributors and wholesalers which helps manufacturers of food products, beverages and other convenience items sell their product/s to convenience stores and grocery chains. It provides a test platform within local markets after being convinced about the utility of a product. Depending on public opinion and interest shown by local stores for more quantities of the product, it is launched in other markets. You can visit them at www.checkstandprogram.com to sign up.
Wholesale grocery distributors – The scenario in convenience stores has undergone a sea change in recent years with the appearance of large scale stores like WalMart, Costco, Safeway, SevenEleven which use their own transportation and food distribution They use the assistance of wholesale grocery distributors and manufacturers to reduce the number of intermediaries and provide better prices to their customers. These distributors work with large retailers who have national level branches and large distributors to ensure that high quality groceries are available at competitive rates to their clients. They take the responsibility of launching products within their network of retailers. You can find wholesale grocers here www.wholesalegrocersdirectory.com.